Sourced measures and KPIs
This table shows the measures that are sourced directly in Data Warehouse:
Measure | Description |
Actual Del Qty | True delivered quantity shipped from the company in basic unit of measure |
Del Earlier than Req | Number of delivery lines where actual delivery is earlier than requested, exceeding 3 hours |
Del In Time as Req | Number of delivery lines where actual delivery is not later than 3 hours after the requested date |
Del Later than Req | Number of delivery lines where actual delivery exceeds 3 hours of requested date |
Del On Time as Req | Number of delivery lines where actual delivery is within +/–3 hours of requested date |
Delivered Qty | Quantity shipped to customer that has not been invoiced in basic unit of measure |
Exchange Rate | Exchange rate to convert from order currency to division currency |
Hours Diff – Departure & Actual | Hours between planned and actual departure dates |
Hours Diff – Requested & Actual | Theoretical difference in hours between requested and actual delivery dates |
Hours Diff – Requested & Confirmed | Hours between customer-requested date and confirmed date |
Invoiced Qty | Invoiced quantity in basic unit of measure |
Line Amt | Recorded amount in the division currency |
Line Amt – Order Currency | Recorded amount in the order currency |
Line Amt 2 | Recorded amount in the division currency defined by line type |
Line Amt 2 – Order Currency | Recorded amount in the order currency defined by line type |
Lines Del as Req Qty | Number of order lines with quantities that have been delivered as requested |
Lines Invcd as Req Qty | Number of order lines with quantities that have been invoiced as requested |
Lines Rcvd as Del Qty | Number of order lines where received quantity is equal to the shipped quantity, as reported in the POD process |
Max Diff – Requested & Actual | Maximum difference in hours between requested and actual delivery dates for an order line |
Min Diff – Requested & Actual | Minimum difference in hours between requested and actual delivery dates for an order line |
Net Price | Net price per basic unit of measure and quantity in the division currency |
Net Price – Order Currency | Net price per basic unit of measure and quantity in the order currency |
No. of Delivery Lines | Number of delivery lines for an order line |
No. of Order Lines | Number of customer order lines |
Non-del Qty | Order quantity minus the actual delivered quantity |
Order Cycle Time | Hours between order line registration and actual departure date |
Order Qty | Order quantity in basic unit of measure |
Promoted | Number of order lines with promotions applied |
Promotional Disc Amt | Total discount amount due to promotions in the division currency |
Promotional Disc Amt – Order Currency | Total discount amount due to promotions in the order currency |
Qty Del Earlier than Req | Quantity delivered earlier than requested date |
Qty Del In Time as Req | Quantity delivered in time as per requested date |
Qty Del Later than Req | Quantity delivered later than requested date |
Qty Del On Time as Req | Quantity delivered on time as per requested date |
Qty Difference | Quantity difference in basic unit of measure |
Sales Price | Price paid by the customer per basic unit of measure and quantity in the division currency |
Sales Price – Order Currency | Price paid by the customer per basic unit of measure and quantity in the order currency |