Calculated measures and KPIs

This table shows the measures that are calculated in the cube:

Measure Description
Adj vs Tot Order Amt % The amount of adjustment invoices divided by the amount of order invoices
Adj vs Tot Order Invc % The number of adjustment invoices divided by the number of order invoices
ARC Amt % The amount of adjustment, return, and corrective invoices divided by the invoice amount
ARC Invc % The number of adjustment, return, and corrective invoices divided by the number of invoices
Billback vs Tot Order Amt % The amount of billback invoices divided by the amount of order invoices
Billback vs Tot Order Invc % The number of billback invoices divided by the number of order invoices
Bonus & Comm vs Tot Order Amt % The amount of bonus and commission invoices divided by the amount of order invoices
Bonus & Comm vs Tot Order Invc % The number of bonus and commission invoices divided by the number of order invoices
Corrected Invc % The number of corrected invoices divided by the number of invoices
Corrected Invc Amt % The amount of corrected invoices divided by the invoice amount
Corrective Invc % The number of corrective invoices divided by the number of invoices
Corrective Invc Amt % The amount of corrective invoices divided by the invoice amount
Debit Note vs Tot Order Amt % The amount of debit note invoices divided by the amount of order invoices
Debit Note vs Tot Order Invc % The number of debit note invoices divided by the number of order invoices
Invoices w/ Ded % The number of invoices with deductions divided by the number of invoices
Invoices w/ Var % The number of invoices with variances divided by the number of invoices
Invoices w/o Ded % The number of invoices without deductions divided by the number of invoices
Invoices w/o Var % The number of invoices without variances divided by the number of invoices
Manual Amt % The amount of manual invoices divided by the invoice amount
Manual Invc % The number of manual invoices divided by the number of invoices
Norm Order vs Tot Order Amt % The amount of normal order invoices divided by the amount of order invoices
Norm Order vs Tot Order Invc % The number of normal orders invoices divided by the number of order invoices
Pmt w/ Ded % The number of payments with deductions divided by the number of payments
Pmt w/o Ded % The number of payments without deductions divided by the number of payments
Return vs Tot Order Amt % The amount of return invoices divided by the amount of order invoices
Return vs Tot Order Invc % The number of return invoices divided by the number of order invoices
Total Var vs Tot Order Amt % The total variance amount divided by the amount of order invoices
Write-Off vs Tot Order Amt % The amount of write-off invoices divided by the amount of order invoices
Write-Off vs Tot Order Invc % The number of write-off invoices divided by the number of order invoices