Sourced measures and KPIs

This table shows the measures that are sourced directly in Data Warehouse:

Measure Description
Acquisition Cost The cost to acquire the equipment in the division currency
Actual Rental Income The invoiced rental amount of an equipment for the period in the division currency
Additional Cost The additional costs for an equipment in the division currency set manually in STS672
Book Rate The rental rate type multiplied by the average price for the rental rate type specified for the period
Days Out Of Service The number of days in a period that the equipment was not available for rent due to service work
Depreciation Cost The depreciation cost of an individual equipment of the period in the division currency
Equipment Age The age in calendar months since equipment was introduced in M3
Fleet Age The age in calendar months since equipment was first added to the rental fleet
Insurance Cost The insurance cost of an equipment in the division currency
Invcd Amt – External The amount invoiced to an external customer, including rent and other charges or credits in the division currency
Invcd Amt – Internal The amount invoiced to an internal customer, including rent and other charges or credits in the division currency
Leasing Cost The leasing cost of an equipment in the division currency
Maintenance Cost The maintenance cost of an equipment in the division currency
Net Rate The additional day rate in the division currency specified for this period
Net Rented Days The number of rented days in a period minus the stand down days
No. of Days The number of days in the reporting period
No. of Possible Rental Days The number of days in a period that it is possible to rent out an equipment
No. of Records The number of records in the table
No. of Rental Days The number of days in the period that an equipment was rented out
No. of Service Days The number of days in a period that a short-term rental or demo item was being serviced
Original Equip Cost The sum of acquisition, transport, and additional costs in the division currency
Original Item Cost The sum of original equipment costs of all equipment under an item
Possible Book Revenue The average book value multiplied by the possible rental days
Possible Net Revenue The average net value multiplied by the possible rental days
Possible Rental Income The average book value multiplied by the net rented days
Rental Revenue The sum of internal and external invoiced amounts
Repair Cost The unscheduled repair cost of an equipment in the division currency
Stand Down Days The number of days in the period that the equipment is not available for rent
Transport Cost The average cost of transportation of an individual piece of equipment