Sourced measures and KPIs
This table shows the measures that are sourced directly in Data Warehouse:
Measure | Description |
Acquisition Cost | The cost to acquire the equipment in the division currency |
Actual Rental Income | The invoiced rental amount of an equipment for the period in the division currency |
Additional Cost | The additional costs for an equipment in the division currency set manually in STS672 |
Book Rate | The rental rate type multiplied by the average price for the rental rate type specified for the period |
Days Out Of Service | The number of days in a period that the equipment was not available for rent due to service work |
Depreciation Cost | The depreciation cost of an individual equipment of the period in the division currency |
Equipment Age | The age in calendar months since equipment was introduced in M3 |
Fleet Age | The age in calendar months since equipment was first added to the rental fleet |
Insurance Cost | The insurance cost of an equipment in the division currency |
Invcd Amt – External | The amount invoiced to an external customer, including rent and other charges or credits in the division currency |
Invcd Amt – Internal | The amount invoiced to an internal customer, including rent and other charges or credits in the division currency |
Leasing Cost | The leasing cost of an equipment in the division currency |
Maintenance Cost | The maintenance cost of an equipment in the division currency |
Net Rate | The additional day rate in the division currency specified for this period |
Net Rented Days | The number of rented days in a period minus the stand down days |
No. of Days | The number of days in the reporting period |
No. of Possible Rental Days | The number of days in a period that it is possible to rent out an equipment |
No. of Records | The number of records in the table |
No. of Rental Days | The number of days in the period that an equipment was rented out |
No. of Service Days | The number of days in a period that a short-term rental or demo item was being serviced |
Original Equip Cost | The sum of acquisition, transport, and additional costs in the division currency |
Original Item Cost | The sum of original equipment costs of all equipment under an item |
Possible Book Revenue | The average book value multiplied by the possible rental days |
Possible Net Revenue | The average net value multiplied by the possible rental days |
Possible Rental Income | The average book value multiplied by the net rented days |
Rental Revenue | The sum of internal and external invoiced amounts |
Repair Cost | The unscheduled repair cost of an equipment in the division currency |
Stand Down Days | The number of days in the period that the equipment is not available for rent |
Transport Cost | The average cost of transportation of an individual piece of equipment |