Sourced measures and KPIs

This table shows the measures that are sourced directly in Data Warehouse:

Measure Description
Days Diff – Due & Pmt The number of days between the due date and the final payment date
Days Diff – Invc & Due The number of days between the invoice date and the due date
Days Diff – Invc & Pmt The number of days between the invoice date and the final payment date
Days Diff – Invc & Recon The number of days between the invoice date and the internal reconciliation date
Invoice Amt The invoice amount in the division currency
Invoice Amt – For Curr The invoice amount in the foreign currency
No. of Invcs w/ Chgd Due Date The number of customer invoices with changes to the due date
No. of Invoices The number of customer invoices
No. of Payments The number of payments made on an invoice
No. of Pmt Reminders The number of payment reminders of an invoice
No. of Record Changes The number of times that an invoice record was updated in M3
Payment Amt The payment amount in the division currency
Payment Amt – For Curr The payment amount in the foreign currency
Weighted Invc Amt – Due Date The invoice amount in the division currency multiplied by the number of days between the invoice date and the due date
Weighted Pmt Amt – Due Date The payment amount in the division currency multiplied by the number of days between the due date and the final payment date
Weighted Pmt Amt – Invc Date The payment amount in the division currency multiplied by the number of days between the invoice date and the final payment date