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For Inventory by Warehouse and Quantity by Warehouse entities, the rv_Param_Warehouse is available to enable manual set up of widget communication for Warehouse dimension.

There are entities that use cost-based and value-based measures as displayed in the graph with the possibility to switch between them in each group. This applies for Inventory by Product, Inventory by Selected Valuation Round, Inventory by Valuation Round, and Inventory by Warehouse entities.

Entity Measure in widget Measure in detail report
Costing Component by Product Material Cost, Operation Cost, Tool Cost, Subcontracted Cost, Product Overhead Cost Material Cost, Operation Cost, Tool Cost, Subcontracted Cost, Product Overhead Cost, Total Production Cost
Costing Component by Selected Valuation Round Material Cost, Operation Cost, Tool Cost, Subcontracted Cost, Product Overhead Cost Material Cost, Operation Cost, Tool Cost, Subcontracted Cost, Product Overhead Cost, Total Production Cost
Costing Component by Valuation Round Material Cost, Operation Cost, Tool Cost, Subcontracted Cost, Product Overhead Cost Material Cost, Operation Cost, Tool Cost, Subcontracted Cost, Product Overhead Cost, Total Production Cost
Costing Component by Warehouse Material Cost, Operation Cost, Tool Cost, Subcontracted Cost, Product Overhead Cost Material Cost, Operation Cost, Tool Cost, Subcontracted Cost, Product Overhead Cost, Total Production Cost
Inventory by Product FIFO Amt, LIFO Amt, Average Amt, Inv Value – IAS2, Inv Value – Replacement Cost, Inv Value – Sales Value, Inv Value – Manual, Inv Value – Outgoing FIFO Amt, LIFO Amt, Average Amt, Inv Value – IAS2, Inv Value – Replacement Cost, Inv Value – Sales Value, Inv Value – Manual, Inv Value – Outgoing
Inventory by Selected Valuation Round FIFO Amt, LIFO Amt, Average Amt, Inv Value – IAS2, Inv Value – Replacement Cost, Inv Value – Sales Value, Inv Value – Manual, Inv Value – Outgoing FIFO Amt, LIFO Amt, Average Amt, Inv Value – IAS2, Inv Value – Replacement Cost, Inv Value – Sales Value, Inv Value – Manual, Inv Value – Outgoing
Inventory by Valuation Round FIFO Amt, LIFO Amt, Average Amt, Inv Value – IAS2, Inv Value – Replacement Cost, Inv Value – Sales Value, Inv Value – Manual, Inv Value – Outgoing FIFO Amt, LIFO Amt, Average Amt, Inv Value – IAS2, Inv Value – Replacement Cost, Inv Value – Sales Value, Inv Value – Manual, Inv Value – Outgoing
Inventory by Warehouse FIFO Amt, LIFO Amt, Average Amt, Inv Value – IAS2, Inv Value – Replacement Cost, Inv Value – Sales Value, Inv Value – Manual, Inv Value – Outgoing FIFO Amt, LIFO Amt, Average Amt, Inv Value – IAS2, Inv Value – Replacement Cost, Inv Value – Sales Value, Inv Value – Manual, Inv Value – Outgoing
Quantity by Product Total Demand Qty, Sellable Qty, Unsellable Qty, Rejected Qty Total Demand Qty, Sellable Qty, Unsellable Qty, Rejected Qty, Total On-hand Qty
Quantity by Selected Valuation Round Total Demand Qty, Sellable Qty, Unsellable Qty, Rejected Qty Total Demand Qty, Sellable Qty, Unsellable Qty, Rejected Qty, Total On-hand Qty
Quantity by Valuation Round Total Demand Qty, Sellable Qty, Unsellable Qty, Rejected Qty Total Demand Qty, Sellable Qty, Unsellable Qty, Rejected Qty, Total On-hand Qty
Quantity by Warehouse Total Demand Qty, Sellable Qty, Unsellable Qty, Rejected Qty Total Demand Qty, Sellable Qty, Unsellable Qty, Rejected Qty, Total On-hand Qty