Journal Import H5 Script, version 2

The Journal Import H5 script is used to upload a voucher Excel file for the finance panel (GLS100/B). This enables you to upload an .xlsx file (supported format is Excel file from 2007 and up) which then gets processed or parsed by the H5 script using an external library called SheetJS (see the Notes section below). The process starts automatically after pressing the Import button, that gets added to the panel, and selecting a valid file for upload.

The SheetJS library has an Apache License 2.0, see: Only adds excel row if voucher row Amount is not equal to '0.00' or '0,00', otherwise it skips current row and goes to the next. If any value is entered in the Excel column voucher 'Exch. Rate', that value is used to specify the division. Only tested and working in Chrome as browser.