Update checkout or inspection work request

If the item or serial number is updated for a rental agreement line, any work order proposal connected to the agreement line is now also updated with the new item or serial number. Additionally, if you delete a rental agreement line that has a work order proposal connected, the work order proposal is deleted as well.

Update of serial number in (MOS170) is only performed if the lot control method is set to 2 in 'Item. Open' (MMS001).

If a work order proposal that is connected to a rental agreement line is manually deleted, PLPN is not set to blank in (STS103).

Allocating a serial number through 'Rental Logistics Toolbox. Open' (STS140) does not update STAGLI and does not update the work order proposal. However, STAGLI is updated after pick reporting, which triggers an update of the work order proposal.

Manual changes made to the work order proposal do not remain when changing item.