Advance invoicing enhancements

Functionality enhancing the advance invoicing solution has been implemented. This includes more flexibility in how advance invoice amounts are presented in the invoice BOD, and how advance invoice amounts are deducted, or offset, during invoicing of deliveries.

New parameter 'Advance invoice item' (AVIT) impacts the invoice BOD. It does not affect how advance invoice amounts are presented on invoice documents.

New parameter 'Deduction method' (DEME) does not impact payment document flows or prepayment requests with no posting. 'Deduction method' (DEME) set to 1- Offset as credit does not impact customer orders that have 'Split due date' (EFYN) checked in 'Payment Term. Open' (CRS075) for the payment term.

Final invoices and corresponding offset credit notes that are transferred to FIM simultaneously in 'CO Invoice. Post-Process' (OIS196) are put on separate vouchers regardless of how the parameter 'Sep voucher no' (SVON) is set up in 'Settings - Customer Order Invoicing' (CRS722).

If one or several credit notes exceeds the outstanding amount of a final invoice, there is no automatic deduction.