Filtering invoices to create a Work List

You can use this procedure to filter Work List so you can work through a smaller list of unmatched invoices on the match screen. Using the filter is optional. To apply the filter, specify information in the filter fields and click Filter button. When the filter is applied, the matching page or pages will display Filter Applied in the upper left corner.

Complete these steps to filter the Work List.

  1. Access the Work List page.
  2. Optionally, select a company. If you are assigned only one company, then this company is set as default in the Company field and it is display-only. If you are assigned more than one company, then click in the Company field to view the drop-down list of your companies and select the company you want to work.
  3. Specify filter criteria into the filter fields:

    To display unmatched invoices for a particular vendor, specify or select the invoiced vendor. You can specify the vendor number directly in the field or access Vendor Selection and select the vendor from the list of vendors assigned to you.

    With the Vendor selection, you can search by the partial or full vendor name.

    Purchase Order

    To display unmatched invoices for a particular purchase order, specify or select the PO number. You can specify a PO number directly in the field or access Purchase Order Selection and select a PO from the list.

    Due Date

    To display unmatched invoices for a range of due dates, specify or select the beginning and end date. Invoices with due dates within the date range display in the table when the filter is applied.


    To display unmatched invoices for a particular invoice, specify or select the invoice number. You can specify an invoice number directly in the field or access Invoice Selection and select an invoice from the list.

    With the Invoice selection, you can search by the partial or full invoice number, or the partial or full vendor name.

  4. To apply the filter, click Filter.

    The unmatched invoices that meet the filter criteria display in the table.

    To turn off the filter and display all unmatched invoices for the company, click Reset.

  5. To filter invoices in the Work List by additional criteria, click Advanced Filter and specify this information:

    To display unmatched invoices for a specific buyer, select the buyer code. You can specify a buyer code directly in the field or access Buyer Selection and select a buyer from the list.

    Ship To

    To display unmatched invoices for a specific ship to location, select the ship to location code. You can specify a ship to location code directly in the field or access Ship To Selection and select a ship to location from the list.

    Invoice Operator

    To display unmatched invoices for a specific invoice operator, select the invoice operator. You can specify an invoice operator directly in the field or access Invoice Operator Selection and select an invoice operator from the list.

    Authority Code

    To display unmatched invoices for a specific authority code, select the authority code. You can specify an authority code directly in the field or access Authority Code Selection, and select an authority code from the list.

    Error Type

    To display unmatched invoices for a specific error type, select the error type. You can specify an error type directly in the field or access Error Type Selection, and select an error type from the list.