Setting up new hire plan rules

This procedure shows how to define which benefits plans are available for a newly hired employee and how employee and company costs are displayed.

Set up new hire plan rules

  1. Access Benefits New Hire Plan Rules (BS03.3).
  2. Select a company.
  3. Specify this information:
    Employee Group

    To define rules that apply for an employee group, select the employee group.

    Plan Group

    Select a plan group.

    Benefit Type

    Select a plan type.

    Plan Code

    Select a plan code.

    EOI (Evidence of Insurability)

    Specify a date that specifies the number of days an employee has to make a benefits change after a change of family status. The employee cannot make a change after this number of days.

    Employee Cost

    Select how employee costs display during the enrollment process. If you leave this field blank, Employee defaults and the employee costs display on the Web.

    Company Cost

    Select whether company costs should display during the enrollment process. If you leave this field blank, No defaults and company costs do not display.

    Add Dependents

    Select whether the employee will specify dependent benefit information for this plan during the enrollment process. If you select Yes, the employee is automatically navigated to the dependent benefit form on the web. There the employee designates covered dependents for appropriate coverage elections. If this plan does not cover dependents, select No.

  4. Select the U.S. - HIPAA tab.
  5. Specify this information:
    Create Transactions

    Select whether to create transactions for the HIPAA output file created by Benefit Transaction Export (BN106).


    Select the HIPAA reason for the transaction.

  6. Select a form action.