Rule files

You must create one or more rule files for EMSS when it is deployed as an Internet-facing application. These rule files define exactly which securable objects (database tables or program forms) EMSS is allowed to access from the Internet.

Note: Rule files do not control which bookmarks are accessible externally, only the underlying objects for each bookmark. If you are running EMSS inside the Lawson Portal or Infor Lawson for Infor Lawson for Infor Ming.le™, then you must define a custom role file that controls which bookmarks are accessible from these containers.

This EMSS version provides some templates that you can use to create rule files for your system. Applied together, these templates define full access to all EMSS products outside the firewall. Each template file defines access to a subset of the product.

File name Description
emss_gen.xml Access rules for the GEN data source. This is needed for access to any EMSS task or module. Run this rule file if you are enabling any subset of EMSS to the Internet. This file is assigned to the GEN data source in Infor Security Services Administration.
enwisen_app.xml Access rules for HR Service Delivery. Run this rule file to enable full internet access to HR Service Delivery. This file is assigned to the APP data source in Infor Security Services Administration.
ess_app.xml Access rules for Employee Self-Service. Run this rule file to enable full or partial internet access to Employee Self-Service tasks. This file is assigned to the APP data source in Infor Security Services Administration.
mss_app.xml Access rules for Manager Self-Service. Run this rule file to enable full or partial Internet access to Manager Self-Service tasks. This file is assigned to the APP data source in Infor Security Services Administration.

To enable external access to the entire EMSS product, see Template rule files. Otherwise, see Custom rule files.