Inquiring about a requisition

  1. Click Inquire.
    Note: To view information about the selected requisition, move the your mouse pointer over the 'I' icon.
    Note: Click the requisition number to access the Lawson Drill-Around function.
  2. From the Inquire page, click the Requisition Inquiry tab.
  3. Select the search criteria.

    The criteria are Requisition, Description, Reference Number, or Requesting Location.

  4. In the Search field, specify the search text.

    To search for a word, specify the word. To search all, leave the Search field blank.

    Note: To refine your search, you can use a combination of search criteria, status, and information specified in the Search field.

    Searching by requisition or requesting location requires an exact match. Searching by reference number and description returns items that contain the search query.

  5. Optionally, select a requisition status to search by status. These are the available statuses:
    • Unreleased - The requisition was added but not submitted.

    • Needs Approval - The requisition was released, but needs approval at the header level.

    • Rejected - The requisition was released, needed approval, but was rejected during the approval process.

    • Processed - The requisition was released and approved.

    • Closed - The requisition was processed and fulfilled. The Closed status is set by the Warehouse or Purchase Order application.

    • In Process - Some requisition lines were approved, but some still need approval.

  6. Click Search to begin your search.
  7. Copy, modify, view, or delete a selected requisition.
    • Copy performs a physical copy of an existing requisition, all the lines (with or without accounting distributions), comments, URL attachments, and user fields. You can also define the header and line information that you will copy.

      Click the options that you will copy, or click Check All or Uncheck All. Click Copy to create a new requisition header.

    • Modify enables you to change the requisition header information.

    • View enables you to see and reprint the requisition. To view a requisition's status and the approval level, move your mouse pointer over the 'I' icon.

    • To delete an unreleased requisition, click the trash can icon.

    Note: Punchout items are not copied.