Using the Categories task

Categories are assigned to items in the Inventory Control application. Lawson Requisition Center enables you to search for items by category to include on a requisition.

You must enable a task using Requesters (RQ04.1) or Company (IC01.1). You can enable a task for a requester but not the company, providing the requester access to the task when no one else in the company has access.

Note: Items added from Categories are on a separate requisition from items added through Punchout.

See Categories task.

Complete these steps to create requisitions using the Categories task:

  1. On the Find/Shop menu, click Categories.
  2. Click the top-level category from which you will select an item (for example, apparel, or medical).
  3. Select the category where you will perform the search.

    A list of items belonging to that category is displayed.

  4. Select the items to add to the requisition.
    Note: You can add them individually or select Add All.
    Note: Click the Category link to move backwards in your search.
  5. Click Release to advance the requisition to the next processing stage.