Purchase Order (PO) Dispatcher

PO Dispatcher is a ProcessFlow that reads purchase order data created using Mass PO Issue (PO120), maps it to the destination data format (cXML) and transmits it through http/s protocols to a vendor-specified URL. Currently the flow must be a scheduled or an ad-hoc activity. Application triggers currently do not exist to invoke the flow at the end of a PO120 run.

After a (Punchout) PO is created and released, the Mass PO Issue (PO120) process outputs the purchase order(s) to a file. The file's location and format depend on the order type specified (EDI, XML, paper, or fax). If the format is in XML, then a file called <date_and_time_stamp>.PO is created in the directory specified in PO120 XML Path field.

For XML-formatted purchase orders, the PO Dispatcher program uses the vendor group (company) and vendor number contained in the PO120 output data file and matches it to a vendor ID contained in the dispatcherPO_config.xml file to determine where to submit the PO.

After the PO has been transmitted, the session is evaluated and the status of the PO (Transmitted or PVS-XMIT-STATUS=2, Failure or PVS-XMIT-STATUS=1) is updated accordingly.