
Outbound 997s can be automatically generated and sent out by the Lawson EDI system in response to some other type of document that you have received. You would normally select to turn on 997 functionality only if your trading partner were expecting to receive 997s from you.

  1. Create a trading partner record for the outbound 997 using the Trading Partner Setup (ED10.1) form. Information about the values you should use are given below. The "Same as inbound" description means that you should use the same value as on the inbound trading partner record for the transaction being acknowledged.
    Field Description or Outbound Value
    Direction O
    Carrier Same as inbound
    Tpid Same as inbound
    Trans Type 997
    Std Version Same as inbound
    Ack Request None requested
    Process Null
    Map Null
    Isa Control Nbr If you are sending other outbound documents (for example, Purchase Orders) to this trading partner, make this the same as the last ISA control number sent to that trading partner for any document (refer to the trading partner record for that outbound document); otherwise, make this 1 (one).
    Gs Control Nbr 1 (one)
    Isa Id Qualifier (Yours) If you are already sending other outbound transactions to this trading partner, use the same value as on the trading partner record for that transaction; otherwise, the value used here must be agreed upon with the trading partner.
    Isa Id Qualifier (Theirs) If you are already sending other outbound transactions to this trading partner, use the same value as on the trading partner record for that transaction; otherwise, the value used here must be agreed upon with the trading partner.
    Isa Id (Yours) Same as inbound
    Isa Id (Theirs) Same as inbound
    Gs Id (Theirs) Same as inbound
    Gs Func Id FA (Functional Acknowledgment)

    Sub Elm Sep

    Seg terminator

    Elm Separator

    If you are already sending other outbound transactions to this trading partner, use the same value as on the trading partner record for that transaction; otherwise, the value used here must be agreed upon with the trading partner.
  2. On the trading partner record for the incoming document to be acknowledged, for the field called "Ack Request," select the value "Ack Requested." This will instruct the Lawson EDI system to create a 997 when this transaction is received from this trading partner.

    The outbound 997s that are created are automatically transmitted by ED502 immediately after inbound translation completes. You will see this activity recorded in the job scheduler log and corresponding Lawson Event History. You do not need to take any additional steps to transmit the 997s.