Application data with an EDI header record

This is application data from the file you specified when you ran Execute Outbound EDI (ED501). If your outbound application file included data going to more than one trading partner (more than one EDINUMBER in the application file), then the file made available to your IBM® WebSphere® Transformation Extender (WTX)X map will contain only the data for each trading partner. In this case, your IBM® WebSphere® Transformation Extender (WTX) map is executed by Lawson EDI Professional for Supply Chain multiple times, once for each different trading partner in the original application file.

At the beginning of this file is a special record, an EDI header record, which was not part of the original file you extracted from Lawson. This record is created by the Lawson EDI Professional for Supply Chain process and written to the beginning of the file made available to IBM® WebSphere® Transformation Extender (WTX). It contains certain fields you will need in mapping your outbound EDI interchange.