Transmitted PO Acknowledgement (PO122)

PO122 will import flat file purchase order acknowledgment data into the Lawson Purchase Order application. The flat file is generated when Lawson EDI translates inbound 855 transactions. When you set up PO122, the file name you specify must match the filename you specify on the trading partner record for that inbound 855 in your Lawson EDI system. On PO122, you specify only the file name, whereas on the trading partner record you specify the full path and file name.

For example, if the file path and name specified in the trading partner record is:

  • LAWDIR/applicationproductline /edi/in/OMACK (UNIX)

  • %LAWDIR%\applicationproductline \edi\in\OMACK (Windows)

  • LAWDIR/applicationproductline /edi/in/OMACK (System i)

Then the file name on PO122 would be OMACK.

PO122 is an exceptions report that shows the discrepancies (if there are any) between what the vendor acknowledged and what the customer ordered. If there are no discrepancies, the report is blank. PO122 also updates the acknowledgment date on the purchase order in the Lawson Purchase Order application.