Creating the acknowledgement file

Run Acknowledgement Print Report (OE112) to create a file that is processed by the Execute Outbound EDI with Source (ED511) job. Acknowledgement Print Report (OE112) creates a file named ACKEDI in $LAWDIR/productline/work/ACKEDI. There is no option to specify a unique file name. If the ACKEDI file exists, OE112 is appended to it.

  1. Access Acknowledgement Print Report (OE112).
  2. Select the OE Company for which to process orders.
  3. Specify this information:
    Sales Quotes

    Select N.

    Print EDI Acknowledgement

    The ACKEDI file is always created for EDI Customers. Optionally, select Yes for Print EDI Acknowledgement to create a printed copy.

  4. Run the job.

It is best practice that when the job completes, you check the Print Manager report to verify that the Acknowledgement for the order that was created. Verify that a file was created in $LAWDIR/productline/work/ACKEDI.