Creating a price/sales catalog

Run Price Book (BL243) to create a Price/Sales Catalog for a customer. The result is a CSV file in the LAWDIR/productline/work/BL243 directory. The file name can be user-defined, otherwise if left blank, the default is BL243CSV.

The job is setup once and then is run as part of processing an EDI 832 Price/Sales Catalog.

  1. Access Price Book (BL243).
  2. Select a Job Name and Description.
  3. Specify this information:

    Select the company that created the price book.

    Price Book

    Select the Price Book from which prices come. Price Books are defined on Price Book (BL48.1).

    Effective Date

    Leave blank.

    Number of Days

    Select A.

    Create CSV File

    Select option 2 for CSV only. Select option 1 for both Print and CSV.


    Optionally, specify a filename for the CSV file. This file is created in the $LAWDIR/productline/work/BL243 directory. If left blank, the default is BL243CSV.


    Select the Customer to which to send the price information. Customer is required if Create CSV File is 1 or 2.