Cleo LexiCom can be used for data transfer. Cleo LexiCom can be purchased from Cleo. LexiCom provides data transfer using AS2, AS3, FTP, FTP/S, SSH FTP, HTTP, HTTP/S and other connections

This section discusses the setup of LexiCom for execution by Lawson EDI. If Lawson EDI initiates the communications process, the status and log files will be captured by the EDI jobs. LexiCom can also be set up as a polling process to read and write data from a specific directory or directories. To use LexiCom in this way, then you can set up a "FILE" method carrier for use by Lawson EDI. See the "Using FILE Method" for setup information.

Carriers or Hosts are defined in LexiCom. The communications parameters are defined in LexiCom. The EDI Carrier Setup (ED02.1) record provides Lawson EDI with parameters necessary to execute LexiCom for sending and receiving data.

Setup for using LexiCom

Carrier Any unique identifier
Method Method used by LexiCom for communications.
Provider LEXI
Host Host Name in LexiCom
Login Not used
Access Not used
User Field 1 Not used
User Field 2 Name of the "mailbox". If left blank, defaults to "myMailbox"
User Field 3 Action defined in LexiCom for sending data. If blank, defaults to <send>
User Field 4 Not used
User Field 5 Action defined in LexiCom for receiving data. If blank, defaults to <receive>
User Field 6 Not used