Agreement Compliance Specials and Services dashboard

To access agreement compliance specials and services dashboard reports, select Purchasing Dashboard > Purchasing Manager > Agreement Compliance Specials and Services.

Report name Description Chart style
Agreement Compliance - Services Shows percent PO lines on contract in a year and filtered where contract type is service and item type is service. Column
Services by Agreement Shows the count of PO lines for each contract and filtered where item type is service. Bar
Services Spend by Agreement Shows the on contract spend - services level that purchased from a contract. Column
Agreement Compliance - Specials Shows percent PO lines on contract in a year and filtered where contract type is special and item type is special. Column
Specials by Agreement Shows the count of PO Lines for each contract and filtered where item type is special. Column
Specials Spend by Agreement Shows the on Contract Spend Specials level that Purchased from a Contract. Column