Agreement Compliance Specials and Services dashboard
To access agreement compliance specials and services dashboard reports, select
.Report name | Description | Chart style |
Agreement Compliance - Services | Shows percent PO lines on contract in a year and filtered where contract type is service and item type is service. | Column |
Services by Agreement | Shows the count of PO lines for each contract and filtered where item type is service. | Bar |
Services Spend by Agreement | Shows the on contract spend - services level that purchased from a contract. | Column |
Agreement Compliance - Specials | Shows percent PO lines on contract in a year and filtered where contract type is special and item type is special. | Column |
Specials by Agreement | Shows the count of PO Lines for each contract and filtered where item type is special. | Column |
Specials Spend by Agreement | Shows the on Contract Spend Specials level that Purchased from a Contract. | Column |