KPI with charts

Rest your pointer on the KPI chart to display data value details.

KPI title KPI details Dashboard
PO Line Count

Measure: PO Line Count

Aggregation: Sum

KPI Chart Detail:

Chart Type = Spline chart

Category = Year/Month

Purchasing Analysis, Buyer Performance, Receiving Activity

PO Lines Delivered to Correct Location

Measure: PO Lines Delivered to Correct Location

Aggregation: Sum

KPI Chart Detail:

Chart Type = Spline chart

Category = Year/Month

Purchasing Analysis, Receiving Activity

PO Count

Measure: PO Count

Aggregation: Sum

KPI Chart Detail:

Chart Type = Spline chart

Category = Year/Month

Buying Trends

Open PO Lines

Measure: Open PO Line Count

Aggregation: Sum

KPI Chart Detail:

Chart Type = Spline chart

Category = Year/Month

Buyer Performance

Unreceived PO Lines

Measure: PO Lines Unreceived

Aggregation: Sum

KPI Chart Detail:

Chart Type = Spline chart

Category = Year/Month

Receiving Activity
Average Receipt Lines Per Receiver

Measure: Receipt Line Count,

Aggregation: Avg

KPI Chart Detail:

Chart Type = Spline chart

Category = Year/Month

Receiving Activity
Total Spend TY/LY

Measure: Base Amount

Aggregation: Sum

Goal = 0

Indicator = Red (arrow up) when KPI is greater than the Goal

Indicator = Green (arrow down) when KPI is lower than the Goal

Spend Trends
Agreement Compliance

Measure: Contract Compliance

Contract Compliance is a custom expression = ([Distribution Date: Sum: Base Amount] WHERE ( ( [Spend Category.Spend Category]='On Agreement' ) )) / [Distribution Date: Sum: Base Amount]

Goal = 0

Indicator = Red (arrow up) when KPI is greater than the Goal

Indicator = Green (arrow down) when KPI is lower than the Goal

Spend Trends
Total Invoice Messages Measure: Invoice Message Count

Aggregation: Sum

Invoice Messages