Configure the Birst Connect 2.0

Use the steps to configure the Birst Connect 2.0.

  1. Create a new user or use an existing one for Birst to connect to the LSF database.

    As a best practice, create a new user called birstuser. This user must be assigned to the default schema for your database. See Setting up the user default schema.

  2. Log into
  3. Select the Model space and click on Connections on the right.
    Note: By default, the Modeler displays after selecting the space.
  4. From the Connections section, select the database that is not required (LSF_Oracle or LSF_SQL_Server). Click the down arrow and click Delete.
  5. Edit the connection for the database. For example: LSF_SQL_Server. Click the down arrow and click Edit
  6. Enter the Server Name, Database Name, Username, and Password for your database.
  7. Under Assign agent, select agent to configure the Birst agent.
  8. Click Download Local Agent and download the zipped file.
  9. Extract the contents of the zipped file. In the examples below, the contents are extracted into a folder called BirstAgent.
  10. Navigate to the BirstAgent folder.
  11. With a text editor, open the file and edit these values.
    Enter Birst Agent
    Enter Birst Agent for Infor LSF database

    For example: Agent
    com.birst.agent.description=Birst Agent for Infor LSF database
  12. Open a command prompt and change directories to the BirstAgent\bin directory.
  13. Start the Birst agent. Type


  14. Under Assign agent, click the greater than icon (Select agent) and select Birst Agent to assign the newly created Birst agent to the connection.
  15. Click Save and click <Back.
  16. Click the connection to preview the data and verify that the connection is working.

    For example: LSF_SQL_Server

  17. Select a source to preview data.

    The selected table data should show with column headers and data. When there is no data for the selected source, you should see the column headers if the connection is working.