Setting up the SAML Configuration in Birst

  1. Sign in to the Birst server as a Birst Account Administrator.
  2. Navigate to the home page. Select Account Settings > SAML Configuration.
  3. Click the Add icon (+) to add a new configuration. Specify a name for the new configuration and click the green check to save.
    Field description
  4. From the ADFS metadata, specify this information:
    1. Copy the entityID URL and paste in the Identity Provider Issuer field.
    2. Copy the signing certificate from the ADFS Metadata into the Certificate field on the Birst configuration page.
    3. Copy the SingleLogoutService Location URL from the ADFS Metadata to the Identity Provider Single Logout URL field in Birst.
  5. Enable the SP-Initiated check box.
  6. Copy the SingleSignonService Location URL from the ADFS Metadata to the Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL field in Birst.
    Note: You may have to scroll down the configuration page to see the field.
  7. All other fields can be left using the default values.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Make note of the values in the Service Provider Entity ID and Service Provider Single Logout URL fields in the saved page in Birst.
  10. Enable your newly created SAML configuration by toggling the check box in SAML Configurations left-hand panel.