Lawson Birst Analytics and Infor Birst from Infor Ming.le or Infor OS Portal

Lawson Analytics is delivered with several types of security roles in Infor Ming.le or Infor OS Portal. These security roles can be assigned by administrators to grant access to Birst. The security roles control different levels of administration access to Birst spaces:
  • Administrator roles
  • Standard roles
  • Power user role
  • Security exemption roles
Users added to these roles will automatically sync to space groups in LABIRST Consumer or Model space groups. Users can have restricted access based on those space groups privileges.

These administrator security roles can be assigned to users to grant access to the Lawson Analytics and Birst by Infor Ming.le or Infor OS Portal administrators. These roles control different levels of administration access to LABIRST spaces.

IFS security role Description
  • Creates Birst UserID
  • Adds user to the consumer space and model space as non-administrator
  • Gives access to the Lawson Analytics application in Infor Ming.le or Infor OS Portal, without Birst access. Mandatory role for all Lawson Analytics users.
  • Adds user to the consumer space as administrator
  • Gives access to Birst in Infor Ming.le or Infor OS Portal
  • Adds user to the model and security spaces as administrator
  • Gives access to Birst in Infor Ming.le or Infor OS Portal
Birst-System Administrator
  • Creates Birst UserID
  • Makes user an account administrator for the whole tenant
  • Gives access to Birst in Infor Ming.le or Infor OS Portal
  • Gives access to all delivered spaces