Folder level security
These standard roles are available in Infor Ming.le or Infor OS Portal for LABIRST folder level security. When you assign these roles to a user in Infor Ming.le or Infor OS Portal, the user is synced to the corresponding LABIRST space groups in the consumer space. The user is given access only to collections that the space groups have access to. See Configuring folder security.
- AssetAnalyst_ST
- AssetManager_ST
- BillingAdministrator_ST
- BillingManager_ST
- Buyer_ST
- ChiefFinancialOfficer_ST
- Controller_ST
- FinancialBusinessAnalyst_ST
- FranchiseManagementAdministrator_ST
- InventoryManager_ST
- OrderEntryManager_ST
- PayablesManager_ST
- ProjectAccountant_ST
- ProjectAdministrator_ST
- ProjectManager_ST
- PurchasingManager_ST
- ReceivablesManager_ST
- Requester_ST
LABIRST-Power-User is a special security role that you can assign Infor Ming.le or Infor OS Portal. This role gives the ability to create, update, and delete dashboards and reports in Lawson Birst Analytics. The role gives write access to the report catalog.