Configuring Subject Area security

A Subject Area is a listing of attributes and measures available to the user for building dashboards and reports. The Default Subject Area is a listing of all attributes and measures in the space. Lawson Analytics delivers several predefined Subject Areas which are available to different space groups. All delivered Subject Areas and the access by security role or space group are listed in these table:

CSA Access_60

These steps are used to configure custom subject area and its security.

  1. Sign in to Birst.
  2. Select the consumer space and select Admin.
  3. Select Space Management.
  4. Select Subject Area.
  5. Click the New Subject Area button.
  6. Specify this information:
    Name of the new Subject Area.
    Description of the new Subject Area.
    Group Access
    Space groups that are given access to the new Subject Area.
    List of attributes and measures in the new Subject Area.