Processing the security space
These are the data level security exemption roles available in
Infor Ming.le or Infor OS Portal for LABIRST data level security. You can assign a
user to these roles in Infor Ming.le or Infor OS Portal so that the user is synced to
the corresponding LABIRST security exemption groups in the model space and bypass data
level security.
- AccountGroupSecurityExemption_ST
- AccountingUnitGroupSecurityExemption_ST
- CompanyGroupSecurityExemption_ST
- InventoryLocationGroupSecurityExemption_ST
- RequisitionLocationGroupSecurityExemption_ST
- ShipToLocationGroupSecurityExemption_ST
- AllGroupsSecurityExemption_ST
When you assign the AllGroupsSecurityExemption_ST role to a user in Infor Ming.le or Infor OS Portal, the data level is completely bypassed.