Company (TX00.1)

Use Company (TX00.1) to define your company in the Tax application. You identify which tax system you are using (Lawson or a third-party tax system).

Process at a Glance

You can define the general ledger accounts that sales tax is posted to at two different levels, the company or tax code level. In the Use Tax Code Accounts field, if you select No, you define the general ledger accounts using this form.

If the Taxable Amount Edit field is set to yes, the application will calculate the total invoice Taxable Amount as a sum of the taxable amounts on the lines. If you enter the Taxable Amount on the invoice header and the sum of the taxable lines does not equal the taxable on the header as message will display stating "Taxable Amount Out of Balance". You cannot release an invoice that has Taxable Amount out of balance.

More Information

If you select Yes, you define the general ledger accounts using TX02.1 (Tax Code Maintenance).