Relation Listing (SL202)

Run Relation Listing (SL202) to print a list of the user analysis value relation information defined in SL02.1 (User Analysis Value Relations).

More Information

Select a User Analysis Group and Relation to list information for a specific user analysis group and relation


leave the User Analysis Group and Relation fields blank to include all user analysis groups and relations


select a User Analysis Group and leave the Relation field blank to list all relations defined for the user analysis group.

You cannot list a relation without selecting a user analysis group.

Select Yes in the Print Class field to list all the classes defined for a relation or select No to only list the relation defined for each user analysis group.

Each user analysis group and relation print on separate pages.

Run SL201 (User Analysis Group Listing) to list the user analyses defined for a user analysis group.

Run SL200 (User Analysis Listing) to list the values and classes defined for a user analysis.