Payroll History Load CSV (PR560)

Run Payroll History Load CSV (PR560) to create payroll history records in the Payroll system.

Note: The input file, HSTLOADCSV, must be SORTED prior to running PR560. If it is not sorted, unpredictable results and data corruption are possible.

HSTLOADCSV must be sorted by:






Processing Effect

PR560 reads the contents of a previously created comma separated value (CSV) file (HSTLOADCSV). Any history record that does not pass cleanly through edits is written to a CSV file called HSTOUTCSV and does not create a record in the database. Errors are printed on an edit report so you can make corrections. History records that are created are also listed on the report unless "Bypass report" is entered as "Yes".

Select No in the Update field, to run the program for edit purposes.

Select Yes in the Update field to update the database.

A re-run option is also available. When you re-run the program against the original input, history for each employee included in the input file is deleted and reconstructed. Select No in the Rerun field so that existing data is not purged and the contents of the HSTLOADCSV file is added to the existing data.

Each record in this file represents a deduction or pay record for an employee for a specified year, quarter, payment ID, tax state, process level, and department, if applicable.

PR560 jobs may be run concurrently, each having its own input and output files. For best results, all records for a specific employee must be run in the same job.

The HL-CHECK-ID (payment ID) field is required and the HL-CHECK-NBR (payment number) field is optional but will default from the HL-CHECK-ID.