Speed Entry by Name (PR33.3)
Use Speed Entry by Name (PR33.3) to create and maintain time records for employees who meet selection parameters defined in PR33.1 (Speed Entry Setup). Employees display alphabetically by employee last name on the left side of the form. Pay codes selected in the setup form display along the top of the form. Enter hours and amounts under the appropriate pay code for the displayed employees.
Processing Effect
The system calculates wages when you create time records. Use the Drill Around feature on the time record to view wages and other information about that time record.
More Information
You can also use this form to maintain batch status time records created by the PR35 time entry forms or PR134 (Automatic Time Records) for the same batch number, pay code and date identified in PR33.1.
Likewise, you can use PR35.1 and PR35.2 to maintain time records created by this form and PR33.2 (Speed Entry - Number) for the same batch number and pay code.