Exception,Offset Time Record Rules (PR28.1)

Use Exception,Offset Time Record Rules (PR28.1) to define relationships between exception pay codes and offset pay codes. You can also use this form to setup up web time entry forms.

Note: If you use Exception,Offset Time Record Rules (PR28.1) to create an exception time entry form for your Web-based self-service applications, you can specify a maximum of 40 pay codes. Although PR28 will allow you to add more than 40 codes, anything over the first 40 codes will not display on the Web. Due to performance reasons, Lawson recommends using fewer codes than the maximum. The more pay codes you use, the longer it takes the form to paint.

More Information

You assign an offset pay code to an exception pay code. PR128 (Offset Time Record Creation) uses these relationships to create offset time records for employees.

You can define rules by company or employee group. If you define rules by employee group, PR128 looks alphabetically through the employee groups until it finds the first group that the employee belongs to. It then uses the rules for that employee group to create offset time records for the employee.

If you use PR28.1 to create a form for web time entry, you can select whether you want the form to be used for normal or exception time entry. If you select normal, you do not need to assign an offset pay codes. If you select normal and do not assign ANY offset pay codes, you do not need to run PR128 to update exception time entry.

You can also use HS01.1 (Web Time Entry Form) to create an entry form for normal time entry. The difference between HS01.1 and PR28.1 is the fields available to the user.