Bid Response Load (PO560)

Run Bid Response Load (PO560) to edit bid responses and price catalog information provided by vendors, and report on any errors. It will also optionally load the bid response or price catalog records to the bid file. The records loaded can then be maintained with PO16.1 (Bid) and PO16.2 (Bid Response) or used to do bid analysis with PO216 (Bid Analysis). Any records that cannot be loaded may need to be loaded manually. You must run this program once for each vendor response in order to do bid analysis.


Bid response and price catalog records must reference a valid item master item. If the vendor does not provide complete information on an item, the Purchase Order application will attempt to default the necessary information. When information is defaulted for an item, the Purchase Order application will generate exception messages on the report.

Exception messages fall into three severity levels: warning, error, and fatal.

  • A fatal exception is one that prevents the bid or catalog record from loading to the bid file.
  • An error exception is one in which the Purchase Order application has defaulted information that is normally provided by the vendor, such as vendor item number.
  • A warning exception occurs when the Purchase Order application defaults information that a vendor may normally not provide, such as your item number.

You may choose the exception message severity level that you want to see on the report in the Report Severity field.