Position Budget (PA70.1)
Use Position Budget (PA70.1) to create a budget by position or to update your position budget throughout the fiscal year.
The position budget record and position rules are also used in other forms. For example, when you create a requisition for a position, the system can determine whether the requisition will cause you to exceed the position budget. This check requires a value of Yes in the Requisitions field on the Counts form tab on PA06.1.
You can create a comma-separated value (CSV) file to hold budget data and export that data into a spreadsheet where you can perform budget calculations. For more information about exporting budget data into a spreadsheet, see the Personnel Administration User Guide.
Processing Effect
PA70.1 displays only approved position budget records. Preliminary position budget records are displayed in Preliminary Position Budget (PA72.1). Approved budget records are records with an effective date that is the same or before the budget approved through date you define in Position Rules (PA06.1). Preliminary budget records have an effective date greater than the budget approved through date.
When adding budget data for a position, the position must be in existence for the timeframe you specify in your effective date range.
The system ensures that the budget data you enter meets limits you defined in PA06.1 (such as maximum head count).