Assigned Resources (PA11.1)
Use Assigned Resources (PA11.1) to view the current head count and FTE for employees and requisitions.
Processing Effect
This form also displays budgeted totals by count category and calculates the variance between assigned resource and budgeted. The Personnel Administration application displays the budget record that is current as of the system date. If the budget record has an effective date that is greater than the budget approved through date defined in Position Rules (PA06.1), zeros display in the Totals fields.
Assigned resource totals calculate based on position rules that you define in PA06.1, Company (HR00.1), Employee Status Codes (HR03.1) and Requisition Status Codes (HR04.1).
If you selected Yes in the Automatic Counting field in PA06.1, the assigned resource counts are updated by operations you perform on the system such as hiring an employee, terminating an employee, or creating a requisition. You have the option of adjusting these counts manually if needed. For example, you might want to add counts for temporary employees not tracked in the system.