Employee Purge (PA115)

Run Employee Purge (PA115) to purge employee information for employees with termination dates from the Payroll and Personnel Administration applications.

This program permanently deletes data. Before you run this program, back up your data according to your organization's procedures. Before you submit the report, carefully review the parameters.

Processing Effect

You cannot purge employees who have year-to-date wages for the current year, pending actions, benefits in the Benefits Administration application, time records, or grant management records.

If you use the Grant Management application, run Labor Dist and Effort Purge (GM300) before you run PA115.

More Information

Two report selections are available which provide either a summary or detailed listing of employees who are purged. The summary listing shows the name and number of each purged employee. The detailed listing shows all information purged for each employee.

The employee profile is designed to print on a form with 79 lines. If you print it on regular paper, the text will overflow.