Mass Position Changes (PA103)

Run Mass Position Changes (PA103) to change data for many positions at one time. For example, at the beginning of each fiscal year you can change the annual hours associated with a position to reflect the number of work hours in the next school year.

PA103 parameters let you indicate which positions should be selected for update, the new position effective date, and the new position or position user field values.

You can change, add, or delete up to 10 position user fields with any one mass update process.

Note: If the position field value should be cleared out, asterisks (*) are entered as the field value. If the position field value is not changing, leave the position field value blank.

PA103 creates files and a listing of the positions to be updated, along with any special warning messages (related to position start and stop dates). The PA103 files are then used by PA502 to update positions and by HR515 to update position user fields.

Process at a Glance

  1. Add a new batch program for Position Mass Update (PA103) .

  2. Review the following CSV files for accuracy:

    • Position Code Change (POSCSV)
    • Position User Field Changes (USFCSV)
    • Position Details (PRIORPOS)

      PRIORPOS contains the details prior to changes made by PA103. This file is informational only.

    • Position User Field Details (PRIORUSE)

      PRIORUSE contains the details prior to the changes made by PA103. This file is informational only.

    • Run Position Conversion (PA502) to load the changes contained in POSCSV.
    • (Optional.) Run User Field Conversion (HR515) to load user field changes contained in USFCSV.
    • (Optional.) If PA502 was run to update positions, and employees were not updated immediately (per the PA502 parameter), then run PA102 to update employees and requisitions with the position data changes.

More Information

PA103 creates CSV file(s) of:

  • The original position and/or position user field records. These files are for reference only.
  • The changed position and/or position user field records. These files are used as the input file to PA502 or HR515.