Ledger Consolidation File Creation (ML320)
Run Ledger Consolidation File Creation (ML320) to rebuild the consolidation file that is used by Multi-Book Ledger and Report Writer to consolidate balances for reporting. The MLCONSOL (UNIX/Windows) or DBMLMCN (IBM i) file is maintained automatically by the Multi-Book Ledger application. This program is provided for use in the event of unusual circumstances.
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The time needed to run this program depends on the number of accounts and budgets a company has. The program runs faster if you run it for an amount type.
For UNIX/Windows platforms: This program prints a report giving you the following information:
processed, and the total MLCONSOL records created for each company.
The MLCUAMOUNT records are further broken down by Account Currency, Report Currency One, and Report Currency Two
- The total MLAMOUNTS, MLUNITS, and MLCUAMOUNT records processed, and the total MLCONSOL records created for all the companies involved in the rebuild.
For IBM i platform: This program prints a report giving you these information:
The total DBMLMLA, DBMLMLU, and DBMLMCA records processed,
and the total DBMLMCN records created for each company.
The DBMLMCA records are further broken down by Account Currency, Report Currency One, and Report Currency Two
- The total DBMLMLA, DBMLMLU, and DBMLMCA records processed, and the total DBMLMCN records created for all the companies involved in the rebuild.