Ledger Translation Calculation (ML195)
Run Ledger Translation Calculation (ML195) to translate one company's base currency balance to the base currency of another company for reporting and consolidation.
Processing Effect
Information is translated based on the From Company parameters. If the company base currencies are different, the account balances are translated to the consolidation company's base currency, based on the translation rates defined for the currency relationship, translation code, and period applicable to the translation. GL195 also lets you consolidate units
If the To Company uses zone balancing, offset transactions are generated in your transaction gain and loss accounts. Offset transactions are the amount difference between the exchange rate amount and the translation rate amount. Company zone accounts are defined on Interzone Relationships (GL30.1).
This program processes the account balance actual amount in the From Company and creates transactions in the To Company. The Translation Level field determines the consolidated level at which the From Company translates to the To Company.
If you run this program for a range of periods, the resulting journal entries are created for the last period in the range, or to the current period if the last period is closed. The journal entries have a "CT" source code and a Released status. You must post these journal entries before you close the accounting period for the consolidation period.