Invoice Interface (MA540)

Run Invoice Interface (MA540) to import expense and match invoices, and PO Service only invoices, into the Invoice Matching application from an external source. The input options are CSV, database , and EDI.

MA540 creates invoice detail from detail provided by the interface information.

Processing Effect

Match invoices are created as unreleased (status = 0). A match may be attempted if you have selected Add and Match in the Invoice Process field. If the match is successful, the invoice status is updated to released (status = 1).

If you allow auto release, some invoices may be created as unreleased due to exceptions on the invoice (for example, out of tolerance conditions).

Unreleased invoices may be maintained using Basic Invoice (AP20.1). Unreleased invoices may be matched using AP20 or Auto Matching (MA126).

For AP batch invoices a starting batch number is required if the Accounts Payable company is defined as batch processing. The batch number is used to create unreleased invoices for batch processing companies. A batch size limit is also required. The application will start a new batch when the maximum batch size has been reached and increment the starting batch number to find the next unused batch number.

Invoices that have errors will remain in the interface files until they are maintained, released, or updated via MA540. Use Invoice (MA54.1) to maintain interfaced invoices.

More Information

Note: Under certain circumstances, you can release invoices with errors by selecting Yes in the Include Invoices in Error field. It is recommended that this option only be used when there are a large number of invoices with a simple error. For example if you interface a large number of invoices without establishing a code in the Lawson application. These invoices will be added to the error file. After you added the code, normally you would have to release each invoice individually in MA54.1. The Include Invoices in Error parameter lets you release the invoices as a group.

MA540 creates three output reports:

  • The Fatal EDI Invoice Errors Report lists any invoices that could not be loaded due to severe data problems (for example, the invoice number is a duplicate of an existing invoice). Use Invoice (MA54.1), Distribution (MA54.2), or Line Detail (MA54.3) to correct interface errors.
  • The Released Audit Report lists all of the released invoices that were loaded.
  • The Unreleased Audit Report lists all of the unreleased invoices that were loaded.