Auto Matching (MA126)

Run Auto Matching (MA126) to match invoices based on the parameters you select on this form.

You can select the number of days before and after the run date to attempt an invoice match.

The Date Type controls the type of date used by the report, either the invoice date or the due date.

You can match according to the number of days before and after the run date, or you can choose to use the system date for the report.

Processing Effect

The processing date is defined as the due date that was keyed on the invoice. This enables you to attempt one more match, and still allow time to manually work the invoice before it is due.

Note: If MA126 selects an invoice that is defined as an All-to-All match, the program will select all invoices in the pool even if they are not in the due date range.

MA126 creates a report that lists the following information.

  • The total number of invoices matched and the total matched amount. This information is also printed broken down by match status (matched, matched in tolerance, and matched with chargeback).
  • The total number and amount of all matched invoices (every match status).
  • The total number and amount of all remaining unmatched invoices.
  • The total number and amount of chargebacks that were created.
  • The number and amount of cost variance created.
  • The total number of invoices in error; items the application could not attempt to match

MA126 also creates an unmatched report that lists the following information.

  • The invoice detail (invoice number, invoice date, due date, and invoice amount) and the reason the invoice did not match

The unmatched report is sorted by company, vendor, purchase order, and ship-to.