How do I schedule production?

Production scheduling lets you consolidate demand for the same finished good to optimize production. You schedule production based on when the goods are needed or on the production start date (defined for each finished good in the Inventory Control application).

You use production scheduling to

  • gather finished good demand for a single finished good item,

  • determine the best production dates, and

  • create work orders.

The two methods for scheduling production are online and batch.

The online method of scheduling production lets you build a schedule manually. In addition, this method groups demands for the same finished good on one work order (or creates a separate work order for each demand).

Note: You set the status for work orders to be in when scheduling production during inventory location setup.

The batch method lets you:

  • bypass the schedule and create several work orders based on demand or forecast and the parameters you select,

  • run the report based on the date needed or by the latest production start date, and

  • group demands for the same finished good on one work order or create a separate work order for each demand.

At times, it may be necessary to reschedule production because of work orders being deleted. For more information, see Deleting work orders.