Procedures in this chapter

This table describes the procedures in the Strategic Ledger processing cycle:

Correcting and releasing transaction errors If transactions have errors, then you can correct them and release them for posting. See Transaction errors.
Defining Strategic Ledger calendars Part of defining a ledger requires you to define a calendar. You will define and maintain the period end dates for a Strategic Ledger calendar. You can use a calendar to post Strategic Ledger amounts. See Defining Strategic Ledger calendars.
Defining ledgers Strategic Ledger transactions are posted and summarized to a ledger based on the criteria defined in a ledger and the period end dates defined for the calendar. The data you define in a ledger identifies the data that you view in a data mart. See Defining ledgers.
Posting Strategic Ledger transactions After you define the ledger, you must post transactions to the ledger. This will summarize one or more transactions to ledgers. See Posting Strategic Ledger transactions.
Separating Strategic Ledger processing You can separate processing Strategic Ledger transactions from processing transactions in the application in which you included user analysis values. See Separating Strategic Ledger processing.
Purging Strategic Ledger information Use this program to delete transactions that were added in error, are not in use anymore, or contain transaction errors. See Purging Strategic Ledger information.

After you post ledger transactions, you can use the Analytic Architect application to report Strategic Ledger information. See Using the Strategic Ledger data mart.

Procedure relationship: Strategic Ledger processing