Defining blank user analysis values

You can define a blank user analysis value when you want to permit a user analysis field as blank in a Strategic Ledger transaction. This enables proper handling of transactions with blank values when they are summarized into strategic ledgers for OLAP analysis. This procedure describes how to define blank user analysis values.

  1. Access User Analysis Values (SL00.1).
  2. Perform one of these actions:
    • If you are defining a blank user analysis value for an alpha or date type, then click the Blank Value link to access Blank/Zero User Analysis Value (SL00.3).

    • If you are defining a blank user analysis value for a numeric type, then click the Zero Value link to access Blank/Zero User Analysis Value (SL00.3).

    Note: For numeric user analyses, the blank user analysis value can be set to display as zeros on user analysis inquiries and reports. For date or alpha user analyses, blank user analysis values display as blank on user analysis inquiries and reports.
  3. Define the blank user analysis value. Use these guidelines to specify the field values:
    Allow Blank

    Select Yes to allow a blank value for the user analysis in Strategic Ledger transactions. The default setting is No.

    Zero Value

    (For numeric data type user analyses only) Select Yes to create zero values for the numeric user analysis in Strategic Ledger transactions. The default setting is No.


    Specify a description to be used for OLAP analysis when the user analysis value in the transaction is blank.


    (Optional) Select a class to associate with the blank value. Classes are used in defining relationships between user analysis values in Strategic Ledger transactions. See Setting up value relations.


    Select the status of the user analysis value. The default setting is Active.

    Note: If you no longer want to allow blanks for the user analysis, then set the status to Inactive.

Related reports and inquiries

To Use
List the values for each user analysis User Analysis Listing (SL200)