Entering allocations

Once the header record is defined, you must create the allocation detail lines. This procedure describes how to enter allocations using Allocation Detail (SL10.1).

  1. Access Allocation Detail (SL10.1).
  2. From the Basic Allocation tab, specify the details for the allocation. Details determine the allocation criteria.
    Note: If a released allocation journal exists, then ensure that the journal is in an unreleased status prior to unreleasing the allocation.

    To make changes to an existing allocation, then Inquire on the allocation, click Unrelease, and make your changes.

    Use these guidelines to specify the field values:

    User Analysis Group

    This is the user analysis group related to the allocation detail. This provides the ability to edit the validity of the user analysis used in the allocation. It is also used when processing the allocations.


    This is the user-defined allocation name.


    This is the line number of each allocation detail within an allocation header.

    The default line number starts in increments of 10.


    This is the fiscal year of the source Strategic Ledger data being used in the allocation. A year can be specified in this field if the source of the allocation is in a different year than the current General Ledger year.

    Note: If this field is left blank, then its value is the current year and no update is needed.

    If the field is specified for allocating a prior year, then change the value to blank for current year processing and no further maintenance is required.


    This is the allocation detail line description.

    The description will default from the allocation header.

    Allocation Pool

    This is the allocation pool total name that defines the summarized transaction records that you will use for the pool.

    Pool Period Code

    This is the period, quarter, or year-to-date designator for the pool total. These are the valid values:

    • P = period

    • Q = quarter

    • Y = year-to-date

    • Blank = current period

    The year-to-date value does not use a period range. Year-to-date is based on the current period end date of the General Ledger calendar.

    Pool Period

    This is the period range of the pool.

    • period and quarter are blank = current period or quarter

    • current quarter YTD = period range is not valid

  3. Click the Factor tab to define the percentages associated with the allocation. Use these guidelines to specify the field values:

    This is the driver total related to the detail line of the allocation. The driver total is used when creating a dynamic percent to compute the allocation amount. If a driver total name is used, then the To UA values are in the total and are not specified in the allocation.

    Driver Period Code

    This is the driver period, quarter, or year-to-date designator for the driver total. The period and quarter can designate a period range. Valid values are:

    • P = period

    • Q = quarter

    • Y = year-to-date

    • Blank = current period

    The year-to-date value does not use a period range. Year-to-date is based on the current period end date of the General Ledger calendar.

    Driver Period Range

    This is the period range of the driver.

    • period and quarter are blank = current period or quarter

    • current quarter YTD = period range is not valid

    The period code and the period range are used for the dynamic percent.


    Specify a value if there is no driver total designated. This is the fixed allocation percent of the detail line of the allocation.

    The fixed percent is calculated from the pool period code and period range.

    The default of blank equals 100%.


    Specify a value if the list is not populated and there is no total designated. This is the primary user analysis (allocate to) value.

    User Analysis List

    Specify a value if the value range is not populated and there is no total designated. This is the primary (allocate to) user analysis list defined in List (MX10) for object type ANLYS.

  4. Click Release to release your allocation.

Related reports and inquiries

To Use
List allocations defined Allocation Listing (SL210)