Making the Benefits handbook available in Employee and Manager Self-Service

  1. Create the benefits handbook as an HTML document and name it benefit_handbook_<language>.htm, where language is the user's language in lowercase. The system converts any embedded spaces in language to underscores in the file name.

    Users assigned to the default locale or not assigned to a locale do not have a language. For those users, the name is benefit_handbook.htm.

  2. If you are using a UNIX environment, then copy the document to $WEBDIR/lawson/xhrnet/manuals.

    If you are using a Windows 2000 environment, then copy the document to %WEBDIR%\lawson\xhrnet\manuals.


  3. Access Employee Self-Service > Benefit Handbook.

    If you created a benefit handbook that matches the user's language, then the benefit handbook is displayed.

    If you did not create a benefit handbook that matches the user's language, then the message Insert your benefit handbook here is displayed. This text is associated with the standard template that is copied to your system during installation.

    This is the template file path for UNIX: $WEBDIR/lawson/xhrnet/xml/manuals/benefit_handbook.htm.

    This is the template file path for Windows 2000: %WEBDIR%\lawson\xhrnet\xml\manuals\benefit_handbook.htm.

    The template file path is WEBDIR/lawson/xhrnet/xml/manuals.