Setting up time off usage and balance rules

  1. Access Payroll Rule (LP03.5).
  2. Specify this information:
    Web Negative Balance Option

    Select how employee hours balances are processed when a plan balance becomes negative. You can set up this option for Hours Balances, Earnings Balances, or both.

    • 1 - A warning is displayed when balances are negative.

    • 2 - An error is displayed when balances are negative.

    • 3 - The remaining balances are not verified by the system.

    • 4 - The balances are reduced to the plan balance.

      You can select a value different from the negative balance option.

    Usage Balance Limit

    Web Usage Limit Option
    Specify the annual usage limit for the plan, if applicable. The limit is enforced based on the Web Usage Limit Option.

    Select how employee hours balances are processed when a time off request results in a plan balance exceeding the annual limit.

    • 1 - A warning is displayed when the annual balance limit is exceeded.

    • 2 - An error is displayed when the annual balance limit is exceeded.

    • 3 - The annual balance limit is not verified by the system.

    • 4 - The balances to the plan balance are reduced.

      You can select a value different from the negative balance option.