Defining plan rules for new hire enrollment

Use this procedure to define which benefit plans to include during the new hire enrollment period, and the plan group where you will place each benefit. Plan rules also determine how the employee cost is displayed and whether employees can add dependents to their benefit plans.

Perform this procedure only if your organization offers a new hire enrollment process. If you perform this procedure, then you must also perform the process of Defining New Hire Rules.

Note: You do not need to define different rules for different groups because employees only see the plans for which they are eligible.

Complete these steps to define the plan rules for new hire enrollment.

  1. Access Benefits New Hire Plan Rules (BS03.3).
  2. Specify new hire enrollment rule information:
    EOI Days

    Specify the number of days from the BS05.1 From Date that an employee can enroll into the benefit plan. The employee cannot enroll into the plan after this number of days.

  3. On the Prerequisites Plan tab, you can link another benefit plan as a prerequisite of the plan that you are defining. The prerequisite plan must be elected by the employee before the plan that is being defined can be elected. The prerequisite plan must also be set up for enrollment on BS03.1 and must belong to a plan group with a lower process order than the plan being defined.