Data dictionary

The data dictionary is a set of Lawson pre-defined names that are used to access information in General Ledger for use in Report Writer. Data dictionary names provide a shortcut, or simplified way to request information you want to include in the columns of a report. For example, if you select CPBUD, the system retrieves current period budget amounts to include in your report. Select CYDAMT to include current year-to-date actual amounts.

You must load the Lawson data dictionary before using the Report Writer application. You cannot change or add to the pre-defined dictionary. See Loading the data dictionary.

Understanding data dictionary names

Data dictionary names are abbreviated representations of the data they actually describe, such as CPBUD being short for current period budget amounts. See Data dictionary listing. You can also run Data Dictionary Listing (RW205) to create a data dictionary listing.

These hints can help you understand the naming conventions used for data dictionary names:

  • Names that begin with "@" are generally used for report and column headings. They access alpha character information in the data dictionary. For example, select @CONM to print the company name in a report heading or column.

  • Data dictionary names that do not begin with "@" access balance information within General Ledger. Current period budget amounts (CPBUD) is a good example of balance information you might include in a report.

  • The first letters of a numeric data dictionary name identify the time period for the data. The first letter represents the year, and the next one or two letters represent the time frame within that year.

    C Current Year
    L Last Year
    N Next Year
    P Previous Year
    P Current Period
    Q Current Quarter
    QD Quarter-to-Date
    YD Year-to-Date
    AMT Actual Amounts
    BUD Budget Amounts
    BUN Budget Units
    UNT Unit Amount
    CUR Account Currency Amounts
    RAM Report Currency Amounts
    TOT Total Names
    Illustration: Breakdown of a data dictionary name

Examples of data dictionary names

Data dictionary name Description
@AUDESC Accounting Unit Description
LCPUNT Last Year Current Period Units
CPBUD Current Period Budget Amount
PYDRAM Previous Year-to-Date Report Currency Amount